
go glitz.......

..... watching  TODDLERS & TIARAS on the one hand totally makes me wanna go back in time to take part in a glitz pageant myself and expirience all this form a child´s perspective and on the other hand go and call the youth welfare office....
i mean seriously do those mums realize what they are doing to their mini me´s......

.... Susan Anderson a LA-based  commercial, editorial and fine-art photographer  has dared to enter the world of  fake tan, flippers, extentions and hairspray at some of America´s child beauty pageants, resulting in a documentary portrait series.....
 HIGH GLITZ, the extravagant world of child beauty pageants
....... setting up her studio admist the colorful spectacle, she captures the young girls at the heigt of their performance, hours of preperation are spent on each child´s apperance, and g´her camera records it all in graphic detail.....

...tough you easily get lost in this surreal world of glitz and glamour always keep in mind that not  everything that glitters is gold.....

........no offence but i would be scared to death if i would meet a full glitz girl by night, caus they remind me on chucky´s bride......


  1. I'm appalled by the sexualization of these precious little girls. Their over-weight, no-life "mothers" should be charged with some type of sexual crime.

  2. That last photo scared the crap out of me! Was not expecting that at all!! Laughing now, but was terrified at the moment.

  3. lol the last photo is very funny.

  4. Anonymous1/11/2012

    heyyy calli!

  5. im in pagents but i need help finding some in mn can anybody help

  6. I know many of these girls my personal advice is that remove their photos I will be contacting the photographer's and they can deal with the copyright laws have a great day
